I hate to say it but we have a bigger problem than most people think. After Parkland, it seems that everyone has found out that we have an issue that needs to be resolved. Unfortunately it is not what you might call a new issue. It has been going on for a long time. We really took notice in 1999 …
What’s Love Got To Do With It ?
YOU DON’T REALLY LOVE ME You say you love me all the time. When we talk. At the end of an email. When you sign a card. I hear the words, I can see the words, but I do not believe. I do not feel it. Why is that? Is there something wrong with me? Am I not perceptive enough? …
The Religion Of Atheism
Life is amusing. It really is. Not all the time, mind you, but quite a bit. I find religion amusing as well. I have always been fascinated by religion. The whole concept of a god is something that I believe is hard-wired into us all as a human being. We want to know the meaning of life. I truly believe …
OBJECTIVISM: Philosophy To Prophecy
It will be very difficult indeed to discuss the subject of Ayn Rand and particularly the philosophy of Objectivism. This is not because of any difficulty with any of the concepts contained within the philosophy, but the complexities when those same concepts have far-reaching implications and ramifications to the very basic thread of our lives and our society itself. Each …
It is just something that keeps popping up in my head at times. It is both disturbing and confusing. We are told that women are the stronger sex but reality decries that. Their vanity, their emotion, their victimhood. Why in the world do you wish to be a victim? It does not define strength, it exhibits weakness. You may believe …
BUDDHA – Happiness Is The Path . . . . Or Is It ?
You really never know what is going to happen when you awake to a new day. It is truly amazing that we have the opportunity to experience a new episode of life. It is never the Tomorrow that we seek. It remains Today, and yet it is still a joy. While doing some research the other day, I came across …
Practical Philosophy: A New Perspective
I guess it is about time to have a conversation. About Philosophy. That is the whole reason for our existence. Not just Lone Cypress Workshop. Our own personal existence. If you have not figured that out yet, I can only hope that you do so at some point in time. That is what life is all about. Asking questions. A …
GOD Is Irrelevant, People !
We Love God! We really do. Well, maybe not God itself. I am not sure that we even really believe in God, but we sure love the concept! The whole idea of God makes you feel comfortable and all warm inside. It’s a feel good concept that has filled a void in mankind, probably almost from day one, or at …
Life Matters
Does not all Life Matter? It is just a question that reverberates through my mind every now and then when I hear one special interest group or another spout their unique form of hatred, as they selfishly, and specifically, self-promote their own versions of ‘freedom’ and what matters, but only to ‘them’. I continually ask myself, what is it really …
DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC ? You have to, you know. If you don’t, then it doesn’t happen. Really. That’s the way it works. Magic resides in your mind. In your thoughts. Pretty much like everything else. There is no reality except that which exists in your mind. I have talked about it before. If you don’t like your reality, …