Assimilate and integrate new insights
True conversation lies in listening.
Understand your path
Explore your nature
Create new realities
Consider the unfamiliar
Embrace the mysterious intangibles
integrate the new
for an adventure
A sojourn of the mind
A pilgrimage of discovery
Will be unique
from today
Lone Cypress Workshop
The Vision of the Great Conversation
Lone Cypress Workshop has been a dream for quite some time. It is an ideal, a seed, waiting to germinate. It is a potpourri of concepts, the most fundamental of which is represented by the question of ‘ why ‘. We are here to question everything under the sun, and some things beyond it. It is our intention and our mission to investigate. To inquire into anything and discuss and debate everything.
Being human is extremely unique. There is no other animal that questions their reality the way that man can. Other animals exist, but they react primarily with their instinct. They do think, and they can learn. But if they question things at all, it is at a very fundamental and primitive level. It is man alone that has the ability to ask himself why he acts the way he does and analyze his own behavior and create change in his actions and his environment to improve his existence.
Lone Cypress Workshop is here and exists, above all else, to present a platform to discuss these issues and all that may flow from them. That encompasses, ultimately, everything you will ever think about, or talk about, or dream about. Everything. Anything. And that brings us to the meaning of this thing that we call Lone Cypress. Lone Cypress Workshop is about the mind. About thought. About ideas. Philosophy is about taking those ideas and giving them structure. Creating purpose. Lone Cypress Workshop will always be primarily about Philosophy. We have come to call it ‘ Practical Philosophy ‘. Philosophy exists to help answer all the whys and what ifs that you have ever asked since you first became aware. It is a driving force, and helps to explain the underlying reasons that direct every action that you will ever take throughout your entire existence. It comes at a cost of time and thought. Those that develop philosophy confront life with confidence and direction. Those without, never truly understand why life makes little or no sense to them. Without a living template, there is no direction, and few answers. We are here to confront and explore what was, what is, what will be, and what may be. And in the process, to try and bring some clarity and peace to any, and all, that are searching for those answers.
We are not here to preach, but to explore. This is to be a place where you develop ‘ self ‘ and possibly help others to do the same. Our expectation is that it will be a cooperatve venture. We are looking for collaboration and participation from people with good intent. We invite those individuals with vision and insight. This is to be an adventure of the mind and the soul, and it should be a pleasurable one, both rewarding and relevant, as well as humorous and exciting. We are both here, together, to make that a reality. You are welcome to pose a question, or comment on another. You can simply watch and observe, if you so wish. Enjoy a quote that possibly holds some relevance for you. Or just look at some of the visuals that we will present. It’s completely your choice, and we passionately believe in true choice here.
So ‘ Come on in ‘ and join the conversation. Let’s see if we can find something to talk about! You are welcome any time.